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News, Tips & Tools

Instagram announces Comment Warning feature

NEW INSTA FEATURE While most of us would have seen the number of likes disappear from our Instagram feed in the last couple of weeks,  Instagram also dropped a new ‘Comment Warning’ feature using AI designed to detect offensive comments being typed by users. After the AI recognises the offensive or ‘borderline’ content, a warning will pop up prompting the…

News, Tips & Tools

No more likes to see on Instagram- will it work?

The newest Instagram update has left many users a little confused. Instagram has started to trial in countries (including New Zealand) where the number of likes on a post is not publicly shown. Instagram plays an important role in the lives of many teens.  Its impact on our self-esteem is a topic that there is a lot of debate around.…


Change in the Fast Lane- The Vodafone Change Accelerator

Do you have an innovative idea for creating change? Got great expertise in youth and community development? We want you to come away from the accelerator programme with a greater understanding of technology, future possibilities and yourself. We’ll be bringing in a range of experts and organisations to support your learning development on a range of topics. When we read…


Alex Ambassadors Celebrating Individuality

Inspired by an Elementary School from Indiana in the US, The Alexandra Primary School Year 7/8 Sticks ‘n Stones Ambassador Team took Linda Kranz’s Only One You picture book with its stunning rock fish illustrations and wanted to celebrate the individuality of all of the students in the school through a collaborative project. Only One You is an inspirational children’s book about Adri,…


Visiting Facebook EU- yep, we really did!

It is often the unexpected things in life that can be the most memorable. That has been the case for us in Dublin. When we left New Zealand we had no idea that we would get to go and meet with some of the team at Facebook in Dublin. It came about via conversation during our meeting in London with…


What we bought to the International Bullies, Bullied and Bystanders Conference

We had 20 minute to share with the world who we are, why we do the things we do and how we work. It was like trying to fit a water melon into a match box. The purpose of the presentation was to tell others how to engage and empower young people to make a real difference and take responsibility…


Nikki shares her Day One Conference Round up

DAY ONE ROUNDUP: Today we had day one of the Bullies, Bullied and Bystanders conference in Dublin. We attended some really interesting workshops and some workshops that had ideas that really challenged the way that we work. For me, one of the most awesome ideas to come out of today was the BPART acronym created by Sharon Cayzer-Haller from Jerusalem.…


Learning about Diana’s Legacy with the Diana Award in London

Yesterday, we were extremely lucky to meet with Katie, Ellie and Connor from the Diana Award in Moorgate, London. Unfortunately, we didn’t have William and Harry for an appearance but there’s always next time! We were interested in the work they do with young people,  their partnerships and how they nurture these and build from the legacy set up in…


How Anti Bullying groups UK wide are working together and what we can learn from this approach

United Kingdom, Anti-bullying Alliance Meeting After a long flight from Bangkok to London, we dropped our bags and headed off to meet with the UK Anti- Bullying Alliance. They are a coalition of organisations and individuals, who work together to promote an environment that stops bullying and creates safer environments in which children and young people can live. When it…


Why we think Professor Jane Burns is AWESOME!

An absolute highlight for us this morning here at the No 2 Bullying Conference was having the chance to listen to Professor Jane Burns from the Young and Well Research Centre (one of the many hats she wears) and then getting a chance to meet and speak with her during morning tea time! Young and Well CRC is an organisation…