Four B’s of Lashing Out

Tenki and Lucas paired up during our Ambassador sessions to try to break down how Lashing Out is different to other types of negative behaviour.

After brainstorming different connections they might make, they started talking about the difference between wasps and bees and how bees reacted to feeling threatened and this felt very similar to how lashing out often happens because of feeling sad, mad, isolated or humiliated.

They loved how we use the Four P’s of Bullying so decided to create their own take, the four B’s of Lashing Out.

B- Bad. The person lashing out normally feels bad afterwards.

B-Behaviour. The behaviour (lashing out-yelling, retaliating, meltdowns etc) is not normal for that person.

B-Beef. You know the kind-drama or issues. Lashing out usually happens because of Big Emotions, drama or beef.

B-Beside. Lashing out often gets taken out on someone beside you or nearby (who had nothing to do with what triggered your big emotions in the first place)