Pink Shirt Day 2015

Pink Shirt Day started in Canada in 2007 when two High School students decided to take a stand after another student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school.
It is now an annual event celebrated in many countries around the world. Pink Shirt Day encourages people to talk about bullying and take action against it. It was celebrated throughout New Zealand on Friday the 22nd of May.
As a group, Sticks n Stones promoted this in our schools through our Advocate and Ambassador and across our communities and we received a great response. Many students and teachers got behind the cause on the day and dressed in pink with prizes awarded to the best pink supporters.
Here in Alexandra, each Sticks n Stones member had their own pink shirt marked with our logo which we all proudly wore, candy floss, pink bracelets and our Sticks n Stones bands were also sold at lunch time. An awesome opportunity which occurred throughout the day was the chance to nominate someone to receive a pink cupcake which contained a personalised message to someone you thought deserved it for their kindness or simply needed a pick-me-up, this was a big hit at school.
In the afternoon we held a fun filled pink afternoon at the community house for all members of the public to attend. There was a pink themed high tea, pink lollies galore, pink balloons and decorations, bubbles, face paint and even a photo booth. And of course to promote positive behaviour there were pink shirts which you could decorate and write a message to someone along with a table of pink sticky notes arranged in a love heart where you could tell somebody why you love them and afterwards they could take it home as a reminder. Overall it was an exciting and successful day which we managed to prevail a message alongside the fun.